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Svetlana Prigoditch


2016( Sept.-Dec.) premaster Contemporary Jewellery, Sint Lukas Institute of Fine Arts, Antwerp(BE)
2006 - 2008 Teacher fine art and design for secondary school education, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam(NL)

2004 - 2004 Academic Masterclasses for illustration and graphics, Sint Lukas Institute of Fine Arts, Ghent(BE)

2001 - 2005 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Media Art, AKI Enschede, Academy of Art and Industry(NL)


2005 Illustration book 'Fresh blood', Stint Lukas the Institute of Fine Arts, Ghent(BE)
2005 graduation video ‘Derevo’, Tent Academy Awards Rotterdam(NL)

education & teaching

2018 Master Art-repreneurship Academy by Peter Maasdam, Amsterdam(NL)
2016 Masterclass by Naomi Filmer, Antwerp (BE)
2013 Masterclass by Jans Muskee, Drawing Centre Diepenheim(NL)
2009 - 2014 educator community art at schools, Rotterdam(NL)

2010 - 2013 teacher drawing and painting course for children, The Baerne, Barendrecht(NL)

2009 - 2014 educator 'Artist in the classroom', SKVR Rotterdam(NL)                                        
2009 September - 2010 November artistic coordination 'Talent class' dependance of Villa Zebra, Rotterdam(NL)
2008 September - 2009 February artistic coordination 'The small museum’, dependance Villa Zebra, Rotterdam(NL)

group exhibitions

2020 Herbaria, -ae, ‘ Mon Baudelaire’ Collection, Galleria Carlo Lucidi, Rome(IT)
2019 Collectiva Meeting International Exhibition for contemporary jewelry ‘Mon Baudelaire’ Collection, Porto(PT)
2019  Athens Jewelry Week 2019, series ‘CinemAromatique’ Classic Collection broches, Athens(GR)
2018 The Ephemeral Archived Exhibition, presentation ‘CinemAromatique’ collection, Gallery Crawl (US)

2018 Collectiva Meeting International exhibition, presentation ‘CinemAromatique’ collection, Porto, (PT)

2018 'Waited for the Fish Corner' group show, presentation ‘CinemAromatique’ collection, gallery HOMMES, Rotterdam(NL)
2018 SHMUCK 2018 presentation ‘CinemAromatique’ collection, BLANCO jewellery, Munich(DE)
2018 ‘Vertical Garden Collection’, (3D collage), Gallery X, Nijmegen, (NL)
2017 Freier FEST Art Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Odessa(UA)
2014 FITAX500 arttrade, Geh8, Dresden(DE)
2014 White Wall Project II by Paco Dalmau Arrufat, Rottedam(NL)
2014 FITAX1000 arttrade with TENT and Tupajumi Foundation Art Rotterdam(NL)
2013 'Myths and Legends part 1'(drawings), LWW gallery, Amsterdam(NL)
2013 presentation video ' Rhymes from Diana', In de Ruimte, Utrecht(NL)
2012 'Art around the ponds in Veendam' (drawings) gallery 5, Veendam(NL)                                      
2012 LUXUS LOFT # 4 SEPTEMBER ISSUE (drawings),Atelierhof Kreuzberg Berlin(DE)
2012 Series drawings 'Happy Together', Museum of Contemporary Art, Odessa(UA )        
2012' Ukraine-Mother’ (drawings), gallery Bereznitsky Project, Kiev(UA)                            
2011 ‘Five years later’ (drawings) 'Memento 14 ',' Miracle ' gallery Stadskanaal(NL)       
2010 'Stories Russia' (performance collaboration with Ekaterina Mitichkina), project space ‘Half June’, Rotterdam(NL)
2010 'On the contrary', (paintings) 'Rememberings', gallery WINZAVOD, Moscow(RUS)
2008 'Manja and Vanja' (video), Video Art Festival Izevsk(RUS)
2008 'Manja and Vanja' (video), East-West Burlesque, Eurora Art Festival Rotterdam(NL)
2008 'Macabre jewelry' (photo’s), the first Rotterdam Summer Exhibition, Photo Institute, Rotterdam(NL)
2008 "Before You" (video, dance group Baila Louca), De Unie, Rotterdam(NL)
2006 'Manja and Vanja' (video), Gallery Sonnega Friesland(NL)
2006 'Derevo' (video), Media Festival Drezden (DE)
2006 'The Sound' (performance), Kunstverein Media Art Festival Oberhausen(DE)
2005 'Baba Marfa' (video), Art Gallery Entrance, Stadskanaal(NL)
2005 'Derevo' (video), Pek film festival The Hague(NL)
2005 'Rememberings' (drawings), Open studio route Charlois, Rotterdam(NL)
2003 "Black sea" (video), Trip Tikhon-Haven Camp Munster (DE)

solo exhibitions

2015 ‘Mirage d'amour’, galerie NIFFO, Rotterdam(NL)
2011 ‘ Miracle’, The Municipal O.Bleschunov Museum of Private Collections, Odessa(UA)


2019 Interview AUTOR  Magazine
2019 Athens Jewelry Week Catalogue
2019 Collectiva Meeting International Exhibition Catalogue
2018 catalogue Collectiva Meeting International exhibition, ‘CinemAromatique’ collection, Porto, (PT)
2014 Artcalender ‘I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING UNTIL I FEEL THE NEED’, Nederlandsche bank, Amsterdam(NL)
2014  Big Rotterdam Artcalender, CBK, Rotterdam(NL)
2007 The library Schiedam, presentation illustration book ‘About uncle Kolja’ (NL)


2006 artist-curator, Kunsthuis Syb, Friesland(NL)


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